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GongGamm Index of Profession Characteristics
A: Social Recognition
B: Monetary value of a unit of work
C: Demanded physical intensity
D: Demanded psychological intensity
E: Career development opportunity

Description of this profession

The approved alternative practitioner, naturopath (‘Heilpraktiker’ in German), offers personal treatment using methods such as homeopathy, herbal medicine, TCM, osteopathy or systemic work. He usually works self-employed and thus takes individual care of your health and well-being. 

A holistic understanding of symptoms is characteristic for naturopaths. He takes the time needed to understand your concerns in depth and to choose and support a suitable treatment method. A complex system of body, mind and soul is at work here. The client’s social environment is also taken into account. He can be your personal advisor for your health and well-being or a coach for a client's healing process.

In contrast to trained conventional medical doctors, the naturopath can choose from a wealth of methods that are not even being certified by modern scientific medicine. Correspondingly, the naturopath is not permitted to prescribe medical drugs. 

The naturopaths’ level of knowledge about the essential elements of the human organism and about treatment options has been proved by passing the health department’s “alternative practitioner’s exam”. With the granted permission to practice naturopathy, he can offer and carry out his treatment method. However, the treatment methods are not protected and there is no guarantee for their effectiveness. 

Typical tasks

A. (Familienaufstellung) Visualizing a human-related system: "family constellation" in single setting format (Format Einzelaufstellung)

Actions to perform the Task ADifficulties / ChallengesDevices / Tools / Softwares etc.
1st ActionI invite the client to describe the situation/conflict.Calm, collected, unprejudiced attitude, we possibly agree on a disclaimer.A clean, quiet, protected space. Two comfortable armchairs or seating
2nd ActionI observe and stay quiet to listen to the client.To be compassionate and calm without prejudice. To be patient and observative. Note details.Writing material
3rd ActionI ask the client to choose the representatives for major players in the situation.To start simple. A small table (preferably round), several figurines that can serve as proxies for humans
4th ActionI let the client position the representatives.Not to place the client’s representative on the table, if the client suffers from anxiety.Paper tissues at hand (in case of client's strong emotional reaction)
5th ActionI and the client begin to recognize aspects of the central dynamic.To carefully trust my feelings, as well as some coincidences.
6th ActionI open myself toward the dynamic with a compassionate mind.Not to let myself be carried away by drama.
7th ActionI look at the representatives, sensing their pain or their needs.Not to let myself be distracted by false preconceived knowledge.
8th ActionI look at the client to jointly change the position of the representatives.To keep the patient’s issue as well as the energy-level of the process in mind.
9th ActionI invite the client to jointly feel possible changes.To remember what is important for the client.
10th ActionI end the constellation.To end the constellation respectfully.

B. Conducting a homeopathic interview with client

Actions to perform the Task BDifficulties / ChallengesDevices / Tools / Softwares etc.
1st ActionI welcome the client with the question: what can I do for you, inviting the client to describe the situation/conflict.To stay calm, collected, with unprejudiced attitudeA clean, quiet, protected space. Two comfortable chairs or seating
2nd ActionI observe and stay quiet to listen to the client.To be compassionate and calm without prejudice. To be patient, observing details, making notes.Writing material, Laptop
3rd ActionI assess the condition of the client and consider treatment optionsto grasp the dimension of the issue and assess my options and possibilities to help
4th ActionI suggest one or more treatment offersto assure the client without promising something in the future
5th ActionI negotiate the conditions should I take charge.to be clear about the terms and conditionsWriting material, Laptop
6th ActionI ask: "what is the issue"?to take notes, to catch the general direction
7th ActionI listen patiently, asking details.to fish for cluesvoice recorder as an option
8th ActionI ask for more events/aches/details.to not miss the telling clue
9th ActionI take the client's medical history.to consider the necessity of continuing the taking of some medications
10th ActionI take the family's medical history.to be thorough enough
11th ActionI end the conversation and arrange the meeting to give/administer the remedy.to be clear

C. Treating with homeopathic remedy

Actions to perform the Task CDifficulties / ChallengesDevices / Tools / Softwares etc.
1st ActionI explore and analyse the data within the following couple of days.to find the best remedy and dose to be administered.homeopathic literature, databank
2nd ActionI prescribe the remedy and dosage.to give the necessary information how it should be administeredhomeopathic remedy
3rd ActionI telephone and inquire about the present condition, a possible first effect.to stay alert and to be patient
4th ActionI arrange a follow-up phone-call meeting a few days after the remedy was first taken.

5th ActionI arrange a follow-up meeting.

6th ActionI inquire about eventual changes.to listen attentively for cues
7th ActionI might adapt the remedy.

8th ActionI arrange and conduct regular follow-ups.

Work environment

Firstly, my workplace is a comfortable, sheltered seating area for two people, with a small round table for constellations or discussions with patients. The second place is my desk including a shelf with material for homeopathic treatment and for the evaluation of patient consultations as well as for research and administrative work. My working hours are different. Patients demand that I give them my full attention, including before and after each appointment. I currently only work part-time as a naturopath.

Clothing / protective gear to wear at work

Comfortable and respectful clothing / No protective gear necessary.

Why people choose this profession

At the end of my studies in literature I was affected by a chronic disease. Something fundamental in the way I lived my life was wrong. But what?

On my quest for a reasonable life purpose I encountered the method of family constellation. The phenomenological approach to the system I am a part of made sense and helped me much. I opened a new chapter, and the purpose of my life shifted from literature to holistic health. After having completed a training in family constellations I acquired the license to be a naturopath.

Literature focuses on people, health sciences do so too. I learned that illness can and should be read as a sign that can be read. As a healer, I strive to read and understand chronic illness (including my own) better and better. Constantly improving I am becoming an expert.

Required degree / certificate

In order to be allowed to work as a naturopath, several conditions must be met.

In Germany you need a permit, which is granted after passing a medical examination by the health department. The written part consists of a test with 60 partly complex questions (multiple choice), with at least 45 correct answers an oral examination follows.

The preparation for the naturopath exam consists of learning the basics of conventional medicine and training to deal optimally with the typical test. Various private schools offer exam preparation courses.

Educational paths to receive the required degree / certificate

Required is a minimum age of 25 years, at least a secondary school leaving certificate, as well as the health, mental and moral suitability for vocational training and practice. In addition, there is an official certificate of good conduct without a criminal record, not older than 3 months.

Knowledge and skills useful for work

Facilitating skill for systemic family constellation, homeopathic knowledge, psychology knowledge, discussion skill, counselling skill

Skill of helping clients to change their perspective in a systemic family constellation is important.

As an extreme example, when people have a fatal disease and are told that they can’t be healed, they get fear and they consciously don’t of course want to die. With the conscious mind, the client might consider having a family constellation with me. The client’s organism, however, follows the unconscious drive to die and join the beloved relatives who have already passed because we all are unconsciously tied to our family systems. A fatal disease can often be the effect of an unconscious attraction to death. To bring this unconscious drive to die to light by having a family constellation and acknowledge the client’s love to the dead relative can cure a patient”s unconscious urge to die. Now, the client’s disease may retreat by following suit with the soul's change of perspective. Therefore, this skill of facilitating a constellation that can change the perspective of a client’s soul is a crucial skill to have as a family constellation facilitator.

I learned this skill from my teachers in two training seminars of family constellations and work on improving it continuously.

Mind-sets useful for work

The art of Zen as guideline for an appropriate mindset

Keeping my mind calm and composed, empathetic with the client, I am able to view the bigger picture and the dimensions of the client’s issue, always with respect for the great powers of life.

I approach client’s issues with a beginner’s mind. This means to stay completely open to the client's concerns, ready for any surprise. 

Should my mind get gripped by an event , I get blind to the issues that want to emerge in a constellation. As a naturopath I open myself to the fates of my clients and their families. This often means to face the aspects of death and its power. I should not think that I know something. Once I think this way, I become blind to what wants to appear. Then, I may begin to facilitate in a dogmatic way and lose contact with the issue. To avoid this, I need to keep my mind calm and composed. 

This is the service I can give: to be a guide and witness of the client’s issue. It is not in my power to change anything, because I am not a part of the client’s system.

Titles of positions on the career paths

Because it is a self employed profession, it is not applicable.

Other professions in cooperation


Satisfying factors

To balance the trust of my client with my responsibility gives me satisfaction.

Second, in order to help, I need to understand the patient and the situation they are in. Every human being is a complex miracle. But sometimes miracles can even be repulsive to others. Strictly speaking, however, how attractive a person is is a matter of taste. As a therapist, I want and have to face everyone without prejudice. A lot of patience and empathy is often required here in order to be able to recognize and classify hidden injuries in the patient. The work is actually similar to pastoral care. Speaking peacefully, patiently, generously to the client's soul or silently assisting them.

Third, I personally like getting to know and understanding people. It's an adventure. People are a mystery to be understood, their health problems are a mystery to be solved.

Having such an attitude at work and resonating with people makes me satisfied with my job.

Dissatisfying factors

National institutions and organisations show little appreciation and hardly show interest in the establishment of helpful modes of cooperation.

I sometimes feel like an underdog.

Reason/purpose for this profession to exist in society

The purpose of this profession is the practice of medicine (only OTC drugs, nur nicht verschreibungspflichtige Arzneimittel) without being a medical doctor.

The applicant is required to pass a test (HP-Prüfung) at the national health office. With this license, he has the permission to treat people as a freelancer.

The setting as an independent entrepreneur allows the alternative practitioner to give the patient his full attention and to carefully accompany the healing process.

Accordingly, the treatment can take a holistic approach in considering physical, mental, emotional and social aspects.

Type of income


Prospect of changes in the future

I fear that the practice of being a naturopath will be more and more limited by healthcare policies that intend to standardise and control the entire field of health care.

(Additional information: This profession of naturopath only exists in Germany in the European Union. The standardisation executed by the EU government might abolish the profession.)

Members' advice

It's a great and demanding job. Much self-reflection is required. Most importantly, passing the exam is just the framework, a license to affect people's health. The actual healing or treatment methods are the heart of the profession. They differ fundamentally from conventional medicine. There are points of contact between the two approaches, e.g. in diagnostic questions, in pharmacology, orthopedics, etc. Task and responsibility as well as differentiation from the other approach should be clear in order to be able to work well.

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